Solid wood doors’ frames and doors are made of real wood. Through drying process to prevent termite and other insects as well, then it is compressed by a pivot system to form into shapes by qualified technicians. The doors are strong does not bend and stretch easily. The doors can be used both inside and outside the building.
Laminate Door is a door made with special materials on the surface to beautifully decorate. Suitable for use within interior area with multi-laminate types available. The material covered by the door most used high pressure laminates (HPL), especially laminate compression pressure of AICA because it features scratch-resistant, moisture-resistant and are beautiful like real wood. And free of VOC that is harmful to health.
Veneer Door are made from natural wood logs, slice into strips. With a thickness of approximately 0.2 to 1.0 mm. through cutting edge technology the woods are turned into wood veneer.
HDF Door is a solid fibreboard door. Produced by extrusion and high-pressure pump. It is stable and good for general use because it does not absorb water, shrinks or distort and impact as well. The main material in the production is wood fibre, resin or other High Density Fibreboard materials.